Can you believe it? Five posts in and I've got writer's block. Fuck.
Actually, it's not really writer's block, it's more like everything in my brain right now is SO DAMN DEPRESSING, why would I want to write about it? And why in the hell would you want to read about it?
And look at my language? Good God. Here I am, posting to a blog with my spirit name as the signature and the blog address - RiverTreasure - while I type words like, well... you can see them in this post. No need to write them again, eh?
In any case... crud, what was my point... (and no, I am not under the influence of anything...) OH. OK. My point is... my point is that I have writer's block and I'm not sure where I'm going with this. So, why even post this? Well, because "it's my blog and I'll post if I want to" (can you hear the song?)... AND purely for your entertainment. Because we all come up against these things once in a while, so it's nice to know that we're not alone (at least I like to know that I'm not alone). So, here's me telling you that you're not alone. You're not alone if you're feeling depressed, experiencing writer's block or signing a very beautiful spiritual name to a blog that contains profanity. I'm right with you... and glad to be there.
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