Monday, April 18, 2011

Honesty is a good thing

I learned a long time ago that it's not nice to attack someone's insecurities.  I took it even further and decided that it's not nice to point out things that others do or say that bother you.  I decided this for three reasons: a. The other person's feelings get hurt. b. It doesn't feel good to deliver bad news and c. It's possible that they will come back at you with anger or something negative and I don't handle negativity or anger well at all.

I am now learning that it is truly a gift to be honest with your friends and family about what you think and feel.  You give yourself a gift by speaking your mind and getting a chance to be heard.  You give your friends and family a gift because now they know what it is that is creating distance in your relationship.  They now have the opportunity to "do it differently" and also share their feelings with you.

I don't think of myself as a dishonest person, but I have been.  And now that I've chosen to be honest with myself about this fact, I can move on, grow personally and in my relationships, and - most importantly - I can share with my children so that they can learn from my mistakes instead of figuring it out on their own.

Honesty is hard.  Sometimes it hurts.  Sometimes it makes you want to look away and deny what is really true, but it really is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and others.

Just something that I'm learning... that I felt I needed to share.  Honestly.

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