Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I gave up my dildo for lent

What?  I'm sorry... WHAT?

I'm not even sure where our conversation was going prior to her admission, but when she said it, it nearly stopped me in my tracks (we were out running at the time).

Now, I'm not a very religious person.  Well, strike that.  I'm not a practicing Christian.  I do believe in God. And I have never given anything up for lent.  In fact, I had to google it to make sure I really understood what it was.  I read online that it is a "period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline."

OK.  Well, I run... so fasting isn't too realistic.  Repentance - yeah, not crazy about this word - sounds like guilt to me.  Moderation and spiritual discipline - these two things I "get".  So, giving something up for lent would be an act of spiritual discipline.  I could see giving up alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, or sugary foods, but I'd like to think that anything having to do with a dildo would fall under the category of moderation rather than spiritual discipline.

Here's my logic.  There are just certain things in life that I would put into the category of "self care".  Getting enough sleep, regular showers, exercise, and meditation are all fine examples of  self care.  I happened to read online yesterday that there are analgesic benefits from experiencing orgasm.  Obviously, the benefits from using a dildo also fall into the category of self care (OBVIOUSLY).

Self care is not something that you give up for lent.  Should you find that there is an obsessiveness or addictive quality to your self care (maybe you use your dildo a little too often?), by all means - practice moderation.

I must say that the conversations I have with friends while out running are quite entertaining and thought provoking.  This one was rather alarming.  I just want to make sure my friends (readers) all know how much I care.  Don't put your dildo away.  Take a break from coffee.  That's my advice.

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