Monday, July 4, 2011

100 days sober

100 days without a drink.  Have I wanted a drink?  Yes.  Has it been difficult not to drink?  Not really - on occasion - but, not really.  Do I envision having my first drink after this long period of abstinence from alcohol?  Hmmm.... you know, I sometimes think about going out for a drink with friends and then I think how cool it is that I haven't been drinking.  I've gone to parties, gone out to dinner, went on vacation and did just fine.  Just call me the designated driver.  I'm not really certain that I'll be taking that next drink.  I'm definitely not planning on it.

I must say, this "no drinking" thing has actually been inspirational to me.  I've inspired myself!  I started thinking about other things I could do that would improve my health, well-being, state-of-mind, etc.  I'm in the planning stages of cutting caffeine out of my diet.  Planning stages, mind you... I may not be an alcoholic, but coffeeholic - I am.  There's just no denying it.  I'm also in the planning stages of incorporating cross-training into my fitness routine.  A big step.  I love running, but other types of exercise can be a chore for me.  Funny, how that is...

Being sober has really opened my eyes and my mind to so many things around me.  Maybe this seems strange, because I wasn't a heavy drinker to begin with.  I wasn't drunk every night.  I didn't drink every night.  There's just something about making the decision to do it differently.  Coming home after a day at work with frazzled nerves and more chaos at home and choosing not to "relax" with a drink, makes a huge difference.  The difference is that you actually have to think about what's going on around you, think about how you react to it, what your plan is to keep yourself positive and caring for the people (family) around you.  And the more you think about it, the more you walk through it, the more you learn about yourself.  Your eyes get opened.  You get inspired.  Well, that's how it happened (is happening) for me.

100 days sober on Independence Day.  Pretty cool...

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