Friday, August 19, 2011


Happiness or that contented feeling that makes you just want to smile comes from some of the strangest things sometimes.

Today, I'm keeping busy.  I'm keeping negative thoughts at bay.  Each time a negative thought tries to enter my mind, I intervene with a thought of love - for myself.  It works.  Try it.

Anyway, so as I am either keeping my mind empty and open or full of love thoughts I looked down at my little note pad.  I always have a note pad... for notes, for thoughts, for writing down how far I run or how much I ate or to list the things I absolutely need to get done...passwords that I will never remember to websites I rarely or never will again visit...

My current notepad (I go through them often) has a bunch of trees or leaves on it.  Well, trees that look like leaves standing up.  It says "Sasquatch - Leave nothing but tracks" on the back.  On the front, there's a little box that says "Sasquatch Sighting - Can you spot him?"  I've looked before and haven't seen him.  I pretty much gave up.  Maybe they forgot to actually print the Sasquatch on my particular notepad copy.

I had to smile today when I looked at the notepad, just for a short amount of time, and saw that Sasquatch climbing on one of those leaf-trees.  It made me happy.  I found the Sasquatch.  I wonder what else I will find today?  Something good, I'm sure...

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